
Deep Creativity: Embracing Our Innate Creative Potential

Note: the following post summarizes some ideas from the book, Deep Creativity by Deborah Anne Quibell, Jennifer Leigh Selig, Dennis Patrick Slattery.


Deep below the surface of our consciousness lies a realm of profound creativity waiting to be embraced. According to depth psychologists, our subconscious is in constant motion, influencing us in enigmatic ways. Dreams, fantasies, ideas, and moods are the imaginative creations that originate from this deep wellspring within us. It is imperative that we celebrate this inherent creativity, which the authors refer to as “deep creativity,” emerging from the depths of our subconscious. Let us embark on a journey to explore the ways we can tap into our inner creativity goddess, beginning with the power of love.

Love as a Catalyst for Creativity

Romantic love, an age-old source of inspiration, has fueled the creative endeavors of countless individuals. Take, for instance, the illustrious Italian poet Dante, who found himself awash with inspiration after a brief encounter with his muse, Beatrice. However, love encompasses more than just romance—it extends to various forms that can ignite creative impulses. Dennis, one of the authors, recently rekindled his passion for painting, despite earlier discouragement from a teacher who admonished him for unrealistic depictions of colorful trees. He now realizes that realism holds little significance to him; what truly matters is the love of creation itself.

While love may transcend the boundaries of romantic encounters and personal relationships, Deborah, another author, suggests that reality can also kindle inspiration. She urges us to observe and cherish the intricate details of the world around us, acknowledging reality as the distinctive essence it holds. For instance, take a moment to marvel at the leaves of a tree during autumn. As they curl, brown, and eventually fall to the earth, what stories do they convey? By cultivating love for the world that surrounds us, we may discover that it generously bestows inspiration upon us.

Love as a Gateway to Life’s Wonders

Jennifer, the third author, associates love with life itself. At the age of twelve, she experienced a harrowing incident when a friend fired a blank bullet at her from point-blank range. Though the bullet lacked lethality, the brush with death propelled her into a newfound appreciation for the simple joys of existence. It sensitized her to the wonders present in the world, nurturing an enduring love for life. Love, in its myriad forms, can invigorate our innate creativity and unlock untapped potential within us.

In Summary

Love, whether directed towards another person, the world at large, or the act of creation itself, possesses the transformative ability to awaken our inherent creativity. By embracing love as a catalyst, we delve into the recesses of our subconscious, tapping into our deep creativity. Let us celebrate and nurture this wellspring of imagination within us, as it holds the key to unlocking our true creative potential.

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