games writing

Can You Play Too Many Video Games?

I’m a gamer and I play a lot of video games. So pardon me for a moment while I get a little philosophical about the question that everyone asks me, “Can you play too many video games?”

Humanity has spent most of its existence in a state of ignorance, believing that the world is flat. As we accumulated more information and became less ignorant, humans realized that the Earth was actually round. This knowledge helped us explore our planet further and discover new ones.
As a species, humans are still rather ignorant. We know that the Earth is round, but we do not know what comprises its core.

The Earth (hint: it’s round) and the structure of its core.

Even in modern day, we are like the primitive man, who believed that the world was flat and thought it was held up by elephants. As we developed our understanding of reality, we realized that this is not true.

However, we will never know for certain whether the world is round or flat. We may come to believe that it is round but there may always be some doubt in our minds.

The same applies to what comprises the core of Earth. We may eventually find out, but we can never know with certainty.

This is the same with video games. One may believe that it is possible to play too many of them, but there will always be some doubt in their mind.

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