
Some Simple Tips for Boosting Creativity

Generating and maintaining a creative state can be challenging at times. Here are some quick tips for boosting creativity when you need some inspiration.

Coming up with a creative idea
  1. Collaborate with others: Working with others can stimulate creativity and lead to more ideas.
  2. Trust your instincts: Sometimes, your first instinct is the best one. Trust your gut and don’t be afraid to take risks.
  3. Get a fresh perspective: Sometimes, an outsider’s perspective can be valuable in coming up with new ideas.
  4. Set aside time for relaxation and leisure activities: Allowing your brain time to rest and process memories and dreams can lead to sudden flashes of inspiration.
  5. Embrace randomness and serendipity: Creativity often comes from unexpected connections made during unstructured activity.
  6. Create a messy workspace: A workspace filled with visually interesting objects can stimulate creativity.
  7. Take a walk: Going for a walk and focusing on your senses and surroundings can lead to new insights and ideas.
  8. Abandon old ideas: To come up with new solutions, it is often necessary to discard old ideas that don’t work.
  9. Be brutally honest: In a creative field, it is important to speak honestly and not be swayed by potential financial gain from promoting poor products.
  10. Prioritize values such as love and respect: Incorporating values such as love and respect into your work can lead to meaningful and cherished creations.

Places in Nature that Inspire Great Poetry

Nature can be a great source of inspiration for poetry writing. Here are some places in nature that may inspire great poetry:

  1. The beach: The beach is a peaceful and tranquil place that is perfect for inspiration. The sound of the waves, the feel of the sand between your toes, and the sight of the vast horizon can all inspire beautiful poetry.
  2. The mountains: The majesty and grandeur of the mountains can be a great source of inspiration for poetry. The crisp, fresh air and the stunning views can help you tap into your creativity and find inspiration for your writing.
  3. The forest: The tranquility and serenity of the forest can be a great place to find inspiration for your poetry. The sounds of the birds and the rustling of the leaves can help set the mood for your writing.
  4. The desert: The vast, open spaces of the desert can be a great source of inspiration for poetry. The stark, rugged landscape and the silence of the desert can help you focus and find inspiration for your writing.
  5. The garden: A beautiful garden can be a great place to find inspiration for your poetry. The colorful flowers, the fragrant scents, and the peaceful atmosphere can all inspire beautiful poetry.

No matter where you go in nature, there is always the potential for inspiration. Keep an open mind and pay attention to your surroundings – you never know when an idea for a poem might strike.

A Poem from the Beach

Crab on beach

The wave crashes quickly,

Pounding into the sand.

The lone crab scurries from the rushing water,

He moves sideways, in search of safety.

The water pulls him,

And he tumbles back to sea.

A wave crashes upon the beach.

He crawls over the sand.

The waves roar louder than ever.

He tries to escape.

His life is short and will soon be done.

His shell cracks,

And he becomes food for the next wave.

The crab scurries away,

Bearing the weight of fate.

A wave crashes,

Crushing his fragile shell.

He scrambles to find safety,

But there is none to be found.

His fate is sealed.

His time is up.

A Poem from the Mountains

High up on the snowy peak,

A lone climber approaches the summit.

He has been climbing the mountain for days,

Focused on one simple goal.

His pace is unwavering,

And he shows no sign of slowing.

As he reaches the top of the mountain,

He stops and looks around.

He notices a figure at his side,

A small, little girl with blonde hair.

She has been following him all the way up the mountain,

Not speaking a word, but never once complaining.

The little girl is looking at him with pleading eyes,

Her cheeks are red, she is shivering with cold.

He can see her lips trembling,

And her fingers are already turning blue.

Her feet are bare, and so is her head,

Her clothes are torn and covered in dust.

The little girl has no coat to keep out the cold,

But the climber takes pity on her and gives her his own.

He wraps the little girl in his coat,

She hides her face inside and holds him tight.

She keeps her eyes on him all the way home,

She does not stop crying even when they are finally safe.

The climber knows that she must be hungry and exhausted,

So he takes the little girl to a nearby diner and buys her a hot meal.

When the waitress asks the little girl what happened,

The little girl shows her the cut on her arm,

It’s from where she was bitten by a large insect,

But that was not her only injury; the little girl also has a wound on her leg.

She says that the climber saved her life.

He tells the waitress that he found her lying by the side of the road,

And he is taking her back to her family.

The waitress says that she must be very brave to be traveling alone through such treacherous terrain.

A Poem from the Forest

Walking the the forest

The forest is deep and dark,

When night approaches it becomes deeper and darker still.

A twisty path disappears into the shadow of the trees,

What mysteries does it hold?

This time I’m going to find out.

The forest is a place where creatures dwell,

Let’s go there together!

I’ve had a premonition that I will make a friend,

Let’s go there together!

A child who loves to play,

A woman who’s full of life.

The forest is the place where the two of us can be,

Let’s go there together!

A new world is born with each day.

A Poem from the Desert

the wind blows through the date trees

& they are bending, bending.

the palms shake like little flags.

the sand is soft & wet like a blanket

& it gets into everything.

i think it has to do with the wind,

but i am not sure.

& it is hard for me to remember

that i was once a person.

that i had a life

& that i am dead

& this is not my life.

& when i say ‘dead,’

i mean it literally.

A Poem from the Garden

 i picked an azalea flower

 that was as big as my face,

 it smelled like perfume

 and i had to keep my mouth shut

 because my mother said

 i wasn’t allowed to speak

 while she was being fitted for a corset.

 she was very fat.

 and then

 i took her picture

 and told her it would make her feel good

 and she got mad

 and told me to take her picture and stop making fun of her.


Tips for Writing Great Poetry

Writing poetry can be a rewarding and expressive form of artistic expression. Whether you are a seasoned poet or just starting out, here are some tips to help you improve your poetry writing skills:

  1. Start with inspiration: To write poetry, you need to be inspired by something, whether it be an emotion, a person, a place, or an experience. Look for inspiration in the world around you and keep a journal to capture your ideas and observations.
  2. Experiment with different forms and styles: Poetry comes in many forms, including free verse, sonnets, haikus, and more. Experiment with different forms and styles to find what works best for you.
  3. Use imagery and figurative language: Poetry is all about using words to create vivid images and emotions in the reader’s mind. Use descriptive language, similes, and metaphors to bring your poem to life.
  4. Read other poets: Reading the work of other poets can help you develop your own writing style and techniques. Look for poets who inspire you and try to understand what makes their poetry effective.
  5. Practice regularly: The more you write, the better you will become at it. Set aside time each day to write and experiment with different ideas and techniques.
  6. Edit and revise: Good poetry takes time and effort. Don’t be afraid to revise and edit your work to make it the best it can be.
  7. Seek feedback: Getting feedback from others can help you improve your poetry writing skills. Consider joining a writing group or workshop where you can share your work and receive constructive criticism.

Finding Inspiration for Poetry

Finding inspiration for writing poetry can be a challenge, but it is an essential part of the creative process. Here are some tips for finding inspiration for your poetry writing:

  1. Observe the world around you: Poetry is often inspired by the world around us, so keep your eyes and ears open for anything that catches your attention. This could be a conversation you overhear, a beautiful sunset, or a person who inspires you.
  2. Read poetry: Reading poetry can be a great source of inspiration, especially if you are just starting out. Reading the work of other poets can help you get a sense of different styles and techniques, and may spark an idea for your own writing.
  3. Keep a journal: Keeping a journal is a helpful way to capture your thoughts, observations, and ideas as they come to you. You can refer back to your journal when you are looking for inspiration for your poetry.
  4. Experiment with different forms and styles: Trying out different forms and styles of poetry can help spark your creativity and inspire new ideas. For example, you could try writing a sonnet, a haiku, or a free verse poem.
  5. Use prompts: Using prompts can be a helpful way to get started when you are feeling stuck. There are many websites and books that offer writing prompts, or you can come up with your own.
  6. Take a walk: Sometimes, getting out of your normal environment can help stimulate your creativity. Take a walk and pay attention to your surroundings – you never know what might inspire a poem.

    Taking a Walk in the Woods
  7. Find a muse: A muse is something that inspires you and helps you tap into your creativity. It could be a person, a place, or an experience. Finding a muse can help you get into the mindset of a poet and find inspiration for your writing.

By keeping your eyes and mind open to the world around you and experimenting with different techniques, you can find inspiration for your poetry writing.

Some Forms and Styles of Poetry

There are many different forms and styles of poetry, each with its own unique characteristics and features. Here is a list of some common forms and styles of poetry:

  1. Free verse: Free verse is a style of poetry that does not follow a regular rhyme or meter. It is characterized by its use of natural speech rhythms and its freedom from traditional poetic form.
  2. Sonnet: A sonnet is a 14-line poem that is traditionally written in iambic pentameter (a rhythmic pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables). There are several different types of sonnets, including the Italian (Petrarchan) sonnet, the English (Shakespearean) sonnet, and the Spenserian sonnet.
  3. Haiku: A haiku is a traditional Japanese form of poetry that consists of three lines with a syllable count of 5-7-5. Haikus are known for their use of imagery and their focus on nature.
  4. Limerick: A limerick is a light and humorous poem with a rhyme scheme of AABBA. It is characterized by its use of anapestic meter (a rhythmic pattern of two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed syllable) and its playful, silly tone.
  5. Epic: An epic is a long narrative poem that tells a story about a hero or gods. Epic poems often have a grand, epic scale and are written in a formal, elevated style.
  6. Lyric: A lyric is a poem that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. It is characterized by its use of emotion and personal experience.

These are just a few of the many forms and styles of poetry. There are many more to explore and experiment with, so don’t be afraid to try out different forms and styles to see what works best for you.

In Conclusion

By following these tips and continuing to practice and learn, you can become a more skilled and confident poet. Happy writing!